The HierarchicalDataBoundControl control serves as a base class for controls that render data in a hierarchical fashion. The classes that inherit from HierarchicalDataBoundControl are TreeView and Menu Control.
TreeView 控制項的功用
- TreeView Control is used to display hierarchical data
- The nodes of this control can be bound to XML, tabular, or relational data.
- nodes can be displayed as either plaintext or hyperlinks
- you can optionally display a check box next to each node.
- you can display a tree hierarchy without being forced to have a single root node.
- The TreeNode has a Text property that is populated with the data that is to be displayed.
- The TreeNode also has a Value property that is used to store the data that is posted back to the Web server.
- You can set a node to be a navigation node by setting the NavigateUrl property.
TreeView 控制項的組成元素
Populating the TreeView Control
要建構 TreeView 資料,有二種方式:(1)使用靜態資料 (2)透過資料繫結。
Populating the TreeView control with static data
使用靜態資料,只要在 <Nodes> 標籤中加入 <asp:TreeNode> 項目即可。
<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView2" runat="server" ShowLines="True" > <Nodes> <asp:TreeNode Text="1" Value="1"> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.1" Value="1.1"> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.1.1" Value="1.1.1"></asp:TreeNode> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.1.2" Value="1.1.2"></asp:TreeNode> </asp:TreeNode> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.2" Value="1.2"> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.2.1" Value="1.2.1"></asp:TreeNode> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.2.2" Value="1.2.2"> <asp:TreeNode Text="" Value=""></asp:TreeNode> </asp:TreeNode> <asp:TreeNode Text="1.2.3" Value="1.2.3"></asp:TreeNode> </asp:TreeNode> </asp:TreeNode> </Nodes> </asp:TreeView>
Populating the TreeView control with data binding
TreeView 控制項是由 HierarchicalDataBoundControl 控制項繼承而來,所以要透過資料繫結的方式來建構 TreeView 的話,則必須使用有實作 IHierarchicalDataSource 介面的資料來源。 例如 XmlDataSource 和 SiteMapDataSource 控制項,它與一般資料來源的差別就在於其資料結構是階層式的,而不是表格式(tabular)或清單式(list-style)。
TreeNodeBinding 屬性:
- DataMember :設定資料來源的資料項目名稱,以決定是否要繫結到 TreeNode 。
- TextField :設定資料來源的欄位,以繫結到 TreeNode 的 Text 欄位
- ValueField :設定資料來源的欄位,以繫結到 TreeNode 的 Value 欄位
- Text :設定資料來源的欄位,以套用到節點的顯示文字。若和 TextField 同時設定,會以 TextField 的設定為主。
- Value :設定資料來源的欄位,以套用到節點的值,該資訊不會顯示出來,但可由 postback 後取得。
- The Menu control is a data-bound control that is used to display hierarchical data in the form of a menu system.
- The Menu control is often used in combination with a SiteMapDataSource control for navigating a Web site.
- The Menu control can be populated using static data or by data binding to the control.
Populating the TreeView control with static data
使用靜態資料,只要在 <Items> 標籤中加入 <asp:MenuItem> 項目即可。
<asp:Menu ID="Menu2" runat="server"> <Items> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"></asp:MenuItem> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"></asp:MenuItem> </asp:MenuItem> </asp:MenuItem> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"></asp:MenuItem> </asp:MenuItem> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"> <asp:MenuItem Text="新增項目" Value="新增項目"></asp:MenuItem> </asp:MenuItem> </Items> </asp:Menu>
Menu3.Items.Add(new MenuItem("A", "A")); Menu3.Items.Add(new MenuItem("B", "B")); Menu3.Items.Add(new MenuItem("C", "C")); Menu3.Items[0].ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("A1", "A1")); Menu3.Items[0].ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("A2", "A2")); Menu3.Items[2].ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("C1", "C1")); Menu3.Items[2].ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("C2", "C2"));
Populating the TreeView control with data binding
To use data binding to populate the Menu control, you can use any data source that implements the IHierarchicalDataSource interface, such as an XmlDataSource control or a SiteMapDataSource control.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <MenuItems> <Home display="Home" url="~/" /> <Products display="Products" url="~/products/"> <SmallWidgets display="Small Widgets" url="~/products/smallwidgets.aspx" /> <MediumWidgets display="Medium Widgets" url="~/products/mediumwidgets.aspx" /> <BigWidgets display="Big Widgets" url="~/products/bigwidgets.aspx" /> </Products> <Support display="Support" url="~/Support/"> <Downloads display="Downloads" url="~/support/downloads.aspx" /> <FAQs display="FAQs" url="~/support/faqs.aspx" /> </Support> <AboutUs display="About Us" url="~/aboutus/"> <Company display="Company" url="~/aboutus/company.aspx" /> <Locations display="Location" url="~/aboutus/locations.aspx" /> </AboutUs> </MenuItems>
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource2" runat="server" DataFile="~/_Uploads/MenuItems.xml" XPath="/MenuItems/*"> </asp:XmlDataSource> <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource2" OnMenuItemClick="Menu1_MenuItemClick"> <DataBindings> <asp:MenuItemBinding DataMember="Products" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="display" /> <asp:MenuItemBinding DataMember="Support" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="display" /> <asp:MenuItemBinding DataMember="AboutUs" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="display" /> </DataBindings> </asp:Menu>
protected void Menu1_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e) { //取得 Clicked Item 的相關資料 MenuItem menuitem = e.Item; myMessage.ShowAjax(this, "You clicked menu \r\n" + "Text = " + menuitem.Text + "\r\n" + "Path = " + menuitem.ValuePath + "\r\n" + "Url = " + menuitem.NavigateUrl + "\r\n" + "Level = " + menuitem.Depth + "\r\n" ); }