2013年4月9日 星期二

LINQ to DataSet

Defining the DataSet Schema

Populating the DataSet

Adding Data Programmatically

Using the DataAdapter

Saving Changes to the Database in Batches

Creating Typed DataSets

A Typed DataSet is a DataSet that is based on strongly typed objects that exist at design time. Typed DataSets allow you to program against the actual table and field schemas for your database instead of relying on strings.

For example,

//Using DataSet
DataTable companyTable = salesData.Tables["Company"];

//Using Typed DataSet
DataTable companyTable = vendorData.Company;

You can provide an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file to generate a typed DataSet class. You can also use the DataSet Editor to graphically create and modify an XSD file.

Nothtwind dsNothtwind = new Nothtwind();    //Order is a Typed Dataset
    DataTable orders = dsNothtwind.Orders;      //get the table in order dataset
    DataTable order_detail = dsNothtwind.Order_Details;

Querying with LINQ to DataSet

The DataSet object already exposes DataTable objects as IEnumerable collections of data. Therefore, writing LINQ queries against a DataSet or DataTable are not much different than writing against other collections of data.

var employees = TestData.GetCompanyEmployeeDataSet();
    var query = from emp in employees.Tables["Employee"].AsEnumerable()
                where emp.Field<decimal>("Salary") > 50
                select emp;

    foreach (var emp in query)
        myDebug.WriteLine("FirstName={0}, LastName={1}, Salary={2}",

Querying with Typed DataSet Objects

Before using LINQ query , you can load this typed DataSet by passing it to a DataAdapter instance. And then you can use LINQ to DataSet to write a strongly typed LINQ query against the cached results.

public SqlDataAdapter();
public SqlDataAdapter(SqlCommand selectCommand);
public SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, SqlConnection selectConnection);
public SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, string selectConnectionString);

public override int Fill(DataSet dataSet);
public int Fill(DataTable dataTable);
public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable);

使用 LINQ 查詢 Typed DataSet

ConnectionStringSettings conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"];
    Nothtwind dsNothtwind = new Nothtwind();
    SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Orders;", conn.ConnectionString);
    adp.Fill(dsNothtwind, "Orders");

    var query = from o in dsNothtwind.Orders
                where o.CustomerID == "VINET"
                orderby o.OrderID
                select o;

    foreach (var o in query)
        myDebug.WriteLine("{0} {1}", o.OrderID, o.OrderDate.ToString());

Cross-Table LINQ to DataSet Queries

下面範例,使用 DataApapter 的 Fill 方法先將資料載入到 DataTable 。 再使用 LINQ 進行 join 查詢,最後將結果放進一個匿名型別裡。

Nothtwind dsNothtwind = new Nothtwind();
    var orders = dsNothtwind.Orders;
    var details = dsNothtwind.Order_Details;

    OrdersTableAdapter adp_order = new OrdersTableAdapter();

    Order_DetailsTableAdapter adp_detail = new Order_DetailsTableAdapter();

    var query = from order in orders
                join detail in details on order.OrderID equals detail.OrderID 
                where order.OrderID == 10330
                orderby detail.ProductID
                select new
                    OrderID = order.OrderID,
                    ShipAddress = order.ShipAddress,
                    ProductID = detail.ProductID,
                    Quantity = detail.Quantity

    gv1.DataSource = query;

Comparing Data in DataSet Objects

You can use LINQ features to compare data contained in one or more DataTables. These features include the following operators:

  • Distinct :產生不重複項目的序列。
  • Union :產生兩個序列的聯集(∪)
  • Intersect :產生兩個序列的交集(∩)
  • Except :產生兩個序列的差集
Nothtwind dsNothtwind = new Nothtwind();
    var orders = dsNothtwind.Orders;

    OrdersTableAdapter adp_order = new OrdersTableAdapter();

    var FirstSet = from order in dsNothtwind.Orders
                    where order.OrderDate.Year==1996
                    select order.CustomerID;

    var SecondSet = from order in dsNothtwind.Orders
                    where order.OrderDate.Year == 1998
                    select order.CustomerID;

    //SELECT Distinct CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1996

    var Customer1996 = FirstSet.Distinct();

    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1996
    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1998

    IEnumerable<string> IntersectSet = FirstSet.Intersect(SecondSet);

    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1996
    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1998

    IEnumerable<string> ExceptSet = FirstSet.Except(SecondSet);
    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1996
    //SELECT CustomerID FROM Orders Where year(OrderDate) = 1998

    IEnumerable<string> UnionSet = FirstSet.Union(SecondSet);

    myDebug.WriteLine(Customer1996.Count().ToString());     //67
    myDebug.WriteLine(IntersectSet.Count().ToString());     //61
    myDebug.WriteLine(ExceptSet.Count().ToString());        //6
    myDebug.WriteLine(UnionSet.Count().ToString());         //87

    var DiffSet = FirstSet.Except(SecondSet).Union(SecondSet.Except(FirstSet));
    myDebug.WriteLine(DiffSet.Count().ToString());          //26

