2012年11月29日 星期四


The HierarchicalDataBoundControl control serves as a base class for controls that render data in a hierarchical fashion. The classes that inherit from HierarchicalDataBoundControl are TreeView and Menu Control.


There are a number of data-bound controls that use other ASP.NET controls to display bound data to the user. For this reason, these controls are referred to as composite data-bound controls. These controls inherit from the base class, CompositeDataBoundControl . This class implements the INamingContainer interface, which means that an inheritor of this class is a naming container for child controls.

組合式的資料繫結控制項包含: GridViewDetailsViewFormViewRepeaterDataListListViewDataPager

2012年11月21日 星期三

2012年11月15日 星期四

LINQ 入門(二)

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) provides a consistent model for querying data no matter where that data comes from. This allows you to write .NET Framework code (in lieu of SQL) when working with data. LINQ gives you compile-time syntax checking against your data, static typing, and IntelliSense in the code editor. All of these features make programming data easier and more consistent, regardless of the origin of the data.

LINQ is an extension to the development languages of C# and Visual Basic. For more information on the LINQ language extensions, you can review the MSDN topic, Getting Started with LINQ in C#